KE 2014.4 - calosc - page 45

Kosmetologia Estetyczna / 4 / 2014 / vol. 3
Badania potwierdziły, że cząsteczka ektoiny dzięki wy-
jątkowym właściwościom wiązania wody nawilża skórę,
zmniejsza świąd i szorstkość skóry. Przewiduje się, że
ektoina, zapewniając całościową ochronę biologiczną ko-
mórek skóry, już w najbliższej przyszłości będzie stano-
wiła podstawę dermokosmetyków.
T. Dirschka:
Ectoin - Use and perspectives for dermatology
, Aktuelle Der-
matologie 34(4), 2008, 115-118.
E.A. Galinski, H.P. Pfeiffer, H.G. Truper, et al.:
thyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid. A novel cyclic amino acid from halo-
philic phototrophic bacteria of the genus Ectothiorhodospira
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E.A. Galinski, M. Stein, B. Amendt, M. Kinder:
The Kosmotropic (Struc-
ture-Forming) Effect of Compensatory Solutes
, Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,
3(117A), 1997, 357-365.
R. Graf, J. Anzali, S. Fau-Buenger, et al.:
The multifunctional role of ecto-
ine as a natural cel protectant
, Clin Dermatol., 26(4), 2008, 326-333.
J. Smiatek, O. Harishchandra, R.K. Rubner, et al.:
Properties of compati-
ble solutes in aqueous solution
, Biophys Chem. 160(1), 2012, 62-68.
J. Smiatek, R.K. Harishchandra, et al.:
Low concentrated hydroxyectoine
solutions in presence of DPPC lipid bilayers: A computer simulation study
Biophysical Chemistry 180-181, 102-109.
M. Dwivedi, H. Backers, et al.,
Biophysical investigations of the structure and
function of the tear fluid lipid layer and the effect of ectoine. Part A: Natural
meibomian lipid films,
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 2014.
R.K. Harishchandra et al.:
The effect of compatible solute ectoines on the
structural organization of lipid monolayer and bilayer membranes
, Bio-
physical Chemistry, 150, 2010.
C. Botta, C. Di Giorgio, et al.:
Genotoxicity of visible light (400-800 nm)
and photoprotection assessment of ectoin, l-ergothioneine and mannitol
and four sunscreens
, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B, Bio-
logy 91(1), 2008, 24-34.
J. Buenger, H. Driller:
Ectoin: An effective natural substance to prevent
UVA-induced premature photoaging
, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology,
17(5), 2004, 232-237.
A. Mamalis, D.H. Nguyen, et al.:
The active natural anti-oxidant properties
of chamomile, milk thistle, and halophilic bacterial components in human
skin in vitro
, Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, 12(7), 780-784.
A. Kaźmierczuk, Z.M. Kiliańska:
Plejotropowa aktywność białek szoku
, Postepy Hig Med Dosw., 63, 2009, 502-521.
E. Buommin, C. Schiraldi, et al.:
Ectoine from halophilic microorganisms in-
duces the expression of hsp70 and hsp70B’ in human keratinocytes modulating
the proinflammatory response
, Cell Stress and Chaperones, 10(3), 197-203.
M. Kanapathipillai, M. Lentzen, G. Fau-Sierks, et al.:
Ectoine and hydro-
xyectoine inhibit aggregation and neurotoxicity of Alzheimer’s beta-amy-
, FEBS Lett., 579(21), 2005.
H. Abdel-Aziz, W. Wadie, et al.:
Novel effects of ectoine, a bacteria-derived
natural tetrahydropyrimidine, in experimental colitis
, Phytomedicine,
20(7), 2013, 585-591.
T. Pech, I. Ohsawa, et al.:
A natural tetrahydropyrimidine, ectoine, ame-
liorates ischemia reperfusion injury after intestinal transplantation in
, Pathobiology, 80(2), 2013, 102-110.
A. Wedeking, N. Hagen-Euteneuer, et al.:
A Lipid anchor improves the
protective effect of ectoine in inflammation
, Current Medicinal Chemi-
stry, 21(22), 2014, 2565-2572.
K. Unfried, A.O. Kroker, et al.:
The compatible solute ectoine reduces the
exacerbating effect of environmental model particles on the immune re-
sponse of the airways
, J Allergy (Cairo), 2014.
U. Heinrich, B. Garbe, et al.:
In vivo assessment of ectoin: A randomized,
vehicle-controlled clinical trial
, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 20(4),
2007, 211-218.
A. Marini, K. Reinelt, et al.,
Ectoine-containing cream in the treatment of
mild to moderate atopic dermatitis: A randomised, comparator-controlled,
intra-individual double-blind, multi-center trial
, Skin Pharmacol Phy-
siol., 27(2), 2014, 57-65.
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